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frost injury中文是什么意思

用"frost injury"造句"frost injury"怎么读"frost injury" in a sentence


  • 霜害


  • Analysis is made on the formation of the frost injury and given the countermeasures
  • Frost injury on cement concrete road surface and the prevention measures in gobi desert , northwest areas
  • Abstract : the frost injury to the railway subgrade is regarded as the common phenomena in freezing regions
  • Landforms , soil , climate and characteristics of distribution in time and space in ningxia of draughts , disasters caused by wind and sand , floods and waterlodgging caused by hail , frost injury and earthquakes . the eighth chapter is on the relationships of environmental changing and the development of the agriculture and livestock husbandry in ningxia autonomous region which covers two sections : namely the historical processes of the human activities and the changing of the forests in ningxia , and the human activities and spreading of the deserts . the ninth chapter is a chapter that studies the regional divergence of the productivity level and the experiences and lessons of the development of agriculture and livestock husbandry
  • Jilin province is one of the important commodity product base in china , but one or several kinds of nature disaster are happened , which include drought , flood , low temperature cold damage , frost injury , hail and gale disaster . that interfere the normal agricultural yield and restrict the steady and sustaining development of commodity product base in jilin province
    吉林省是我国重要的商品粮生产基地之一,然而在一些地区每年都发生一种或多种自然灾害(干旱、洪涝、低温冷害、霜、雹、风等) ,干扰了正常的农业生产,限制了吉林省商品粮基地的稳定、持续发展。
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